Had a v v v happy tym 4 the past 3 days..
so hapi so sosos reali hapi haha
And my pay is increased so hapi..
ANd the data entry job is cuming..
Wif ah bun as my accompany ha.
and the pay is $6 not bad la
Our fast food race hor..dun forget :)
This 3 days work have been lyk a contractor work ha..
Hammer n drilling n hunging n measuring...
But it was fun and tym past so fast la...
Poor boss work til v late coz i always early jiu run away le..
Finally...the thing ended..
And it was a good job..gto compeition..
Vs tampines east..
It was a bad match..
We seems like we have lost even though
We won...But it is juz not chong ghee playing..
I duno i reali duno...i duwan thk either..
hope out last match will be a good one..
Both are my fren i duwan to side ani1..
i wan be neutral..but is neutral good?
So Much happen...
And sad to sad we lost to ALjunied..
The pauling reali v hiong n lihai...
And violent @ tyms too...
I was so scared n of coz affected...
Duno will i get to play the nxt match..
Hope we can win...
But actuali i duno...
Tis yr the team r so strong...
But yet chong ghee was affected by so much things..
Injury is the major one...
follow by the attendence of our training..
Seriou speaking i was so disappointed..
I was jailed at hm so wanting to go..
But yet others duwan to go..
If its not for my chicken pox..i wld have go trg everytym
I hope i can tok to dem..but sadly tue no trg..
Cant have a team tok wif dem...
I wan my chong ghee back...
The once so high spirit chong ghee..
the full of confident chong ghee..
The full of power chong ghee..
The full of determination chong ghee..
The full of motivation chong ghee...
The full of fighting spirit chong ghee..
Where have my chong ghee been?
Plz players return to me the chong ghee...
Hope nxt match will be a beta one..
Hope we can play beta..
Chong Ghee nv say die k..
Tt's the spirit..
den 22nd i went work..
ok ive to take leave again...
coz of tt jjc vs sajc match...
i took off in teh afternoon den go back work afta tt.
but teh match was worth it..
its nice n jing zhang...
jjc won sajc by 15..
and jjc have been leading since the ist quart...
and sajc have nv lose less den 8 in any of the quart...
jjc play well..kip it up wor....
and afta tt i went work..
ok a sms came say 6 at skcc..
i was like half dead n i stil gt alot of ting to do..
thk my boss saw i half dead let me go...
den i was so hapi tt i can go play bball....
and of coz go dere for sum1 sake....
den went dere play awhile.but qte hiong..
coz the guys qte irritating..but i was affected..
affected by my skills n of coz...
i tried 2 tok but have no response..
saded...but i have to act nth coz i duwan affect others...
in teh end all i can is go to my hse dere the swing...
The place where i say out all my saddness..
n swing it off....
went to work..den last min gto training..
so last min la..den ytd i leave early..
she ask me thur do whole day i say ok le lo..
in tehe nd coz of the training..i go ask her can i leave early..
ok i felt guilty coz within the time..
i cant finish wat im suppose to do..
saded la..but stil i have to go..
so coz trg for lanzhong..
den mit ju go trg lo..den kip on change court ha
walk here n dere lo haha..
run summore warm up ma..
reach the court play 4 on 4...
it was fun.and but my leg hurt...
den in the end play 5 on 5..
i thk my grp communication break down..
dey duno wat i wan i thk..
den duno..i play til qte hiong..
all i canhelp is defence cept bball lo..
kip on jump..
den i gt a rebound den cut in v nice but..
so irritating i miss la..den i jump wif all my might...
got my rebound n juz ying ying shang..
thk cally got a shock like y i so hiong
hha coz she behind me..but co zi wan kso wo zhi ji...
but thk im mad la..
I play til my body all ach lo..
thk i old le..or v long nv play bball le..
hai den kip on wake up ealy work lo..
9am reach lei..den wan me work hol day de summore...
thk i can die..
i alwasy early morning go work eyes wan close le haha..
thk i beta slp now is lik 1245 le..
n i promise my ah bun mummie i gona offline ha.
okie..i gg slp le..tml nitex to myself :)
What are fren for??
frenz are ppl that will pei u...
frenz are dere when ur sad..
frenz are to pei u when ur bored..
frenz are to gossip tgt...
frenz are to sit down and eat...
frenz are to enjoy each other accompany...
frenz are to console u..
frenz are to noe u well..
frenz are dos tt will chiong down when u need dem..
(provided dey r free la)
frenz are dos tt will luff wif u..
frenz are dos tt will cry wif u..
frenz are dos tt will gif a assure hug..
frenz are dos tt will do silly thing wif u..
frens are dos tt will be reasonable..
frenz are dos tt will be understanding...
frenz are dos tt will share dere most embarress thing..
frenz are dos tt will share their saddness..
frenz are dos tt will share their happiness...
frenz are dos tt will encouarge u...
frenz are dos tt will pull u up when ur down..
Heyhey....all these are juz simple thing...
frenz are more than tt...
u can say u cherish them u love dem u treasure dem..
but action is simply the most impt thing...
hmm am i toking abt myself??
im sorry frenz if i ps u all..i reali dun mean it...
But.....frenz are all dos..
but of coz...
dun take frenz for granted...
dey dun have to take ur shit..
dey dun have to take ur temper..
dey dun have to pacify u...
dey dun have to console u..
dey dun have to pei u...
dey dun have to gu lu ni de gan shou
dey dun have..dey reali dun have to...
but dey always do...
hence be hapi always nt dun make ur frenz sad...
coz frenz are not dere jzu 2 share ur saddness..
or rather..frenz r nt 4 u 2 share ur saddenss wif..
frenz shld enjoy ur acc..
n shld be hapi always...
hey frenz sori if i irritated u all in any way...yupz..
n sori if u all r fan by me..im sori..apologised here :) yupz..
take care all my frenz...
u all hapi i hapi..yeah!!~~~
Indeed ytd late slping....result in..
faaling aslp at work..
haha i work till my eyes kip on shutting la..
cannt make it..lucky 2day slack say..
i kip sit dere do nth..coz dey qte buz kip ask me wait ha
so i can sit down n stone...
Today i gt a v special present..
yuzp thk i'll hang it on my wall :) so cute la..
2day she like food poisoning again...
lyk so kelian..hope she will be fine..
and today went teck ghee suppose to train but in teh end we play 4 on 4..
but it is fun..so long nv so hapi as a team...
serious..i love the bond..
i love the team tt can luff n not reprimand each other..
yeah..chong ghee all the way...
we got our team...
we vs aljunied small team...(pauling team)
vs tampines east n ling yun youth team...
Chong ghee jiayou k :) all the best :)
Tml got work again haha...
den after tt gg watch cheryl's match...
hope tml jj will win ba :) yupz..
and mayb after tt go watch movie wif sp team..
haha yeah..bonding again :) yupz...
Hoep sp will eb a great team always..
Qi dai...oh yes !
Today is the day when im bored..
Nth special...nth big..nth great..
jzu a idiot have came to the world...
Hm..A specal bday huh..
coz i actuali spend it watching match...
And tt no one actuali tot of asking me out..
coz every1 thk ive program..
or tt im down wif pox...
i shldnt grumble...i shld b contented..
coz @ least i gt ppl to pei me..
Went to watch pts match..
Yupz they gt a very nice jersey..
My fave green...its so nice in love wif it..
n congrates pts u won..and jiayou 4 ur match against sajc
U can do it..n rem control wor..
Yupz i was actuli affected n sad..but yet ive to be strong..
I do not wan other to thk or to worry...
It my bithday but yet i feel like its not any special day..
no1 make me feel special.or tt it shld be spend specially
i noe @ tym im irritating and its wo zhi zao de...
I duno ba..but juz dao bu qi jing shen..
Maybe its juz tt im tired..not enuff slp..
after tt went woodlands play bball instead..
coz no1 wan go skcc play...
haiz boring...Duno the team was ok..
But in the end i injured my rite knee aso..
a big blue black n the blueblack is so pain tt..
i walk aso pain n i can ran...but can ren ba..
Hope tml trg will be beta ba..yupz..
den went hm lo..
In the end din mit the person i wanted 2 c..
hey hey..its 18th..quick wish me hapi bday..
Happy birthday to me..
happy birthday to me..
Happy birthday to myself...
Happy birthday to me..
ha...seem pathetic?
a day i shld be hapi isnt it..yupz...
I muz be ba..yupz...
Am i fake?im affected but yet y am i hiding??
Am i hiding my real self?
when did i learn to hide?or am i escaping?
I duwan bother my frenz animore...
And i wun let my fren worry for me animore..
cow ah gu jasmine is a happy go lucky ger..
and foreva in the heart of my fren i'll b
Yupz it so late le haha tml i still at work at 9am
And im still awake..nt aslp ha..
okie i shall go slp nw.thk im siao la haha
Nites to myself..
N *muackz* to myself..a birthday kiss for myself..
hug* 4 the birthday ger *titly*
Tis is wat the birthday ger love coz hug let her noe she have nt lost a ting
n tt she's is not alone.hence i gif her a hug
And birthday ger b more mature k..
Dun play play huh..and birthday ger ur a strong ger
Nth can push or pull u down..U can do it manz
And jasmine u muz be happy whee!!
Hmm..birdie, ju and shao hua came my hse overnite....
yeah..is my ist freedom day....
So i can go out....
I wan shop...shop shop...
so i mit sp team..
So me and ah bird proceed to suntec mit ahbun n jin hui
In the end we were late..
Im sori ahbun...to let u wait so long..sori..
AFter tt we went shopping haha
But go eat ist..go eat swedsen...
Thanz my watermeinan 4 the treat..
And the treat to the toilet :)
After that we went to town..
In the end we took a cab down to town haha
den we go take neo print..haha
so stupid la our neoprint
den mit beca n haixin n pui
haha beca n haixin wear shirt wor haha
den we went nydc eat...but i nv eat
so full la the swedsen...
den coz very late le...
den me n ah bun n lala go walk walk..
And jin hui mit us at far east
i wan buy bag haha
in teh end walk til far east den buy a sling bag..
I love it la..reali like it alot..
Den we went topshop but sad ting..
No more the ger boxes we wan..
:) cry la we go all teh way dere...
den after tt me n bun go cini burger king
Buy our fave barley..
den i buy famous amos..so bu she de chi..
It sso nice..
how i wish i got famous amos to eat...
*wish la* *take me back to reality*
*im still dreaming*
Hmm when i go back nydc..
A mug pie or wat izzit call?
came by..
Im so touch n hapi..
Thnaz guys reali thanz..
istly for celebrating my bday wif me..
And doing all teh thing the tots..
Sp rox manz..reali love u all man :)
Haha and i enjoy teh tym toking to u all..
haha n debbie ahha dun tell her wat we say..
haha *secret* luff til can die la..
Hmm reali thanz you you guys..
Thanks ah bun, lala or pui, becca, bird, haixin, jin hui, amy or bro
Yup for spending teh day wif me...
And than you tailiang for waiting for me til 12am..
Atmy hse downstair juz to let me blow the cake on 12am sharp..
Thanz for the tot..
U guy are great :)
But i regret..to wait...I shldnt wait til so late..
i shld have noe..she will reply she will @ least sms..
But i miss it..n i miss teh ting i dunwan to miss..
how ironic can life be..
Hmm..now im full of time...
Full of rotting time....
A lot til i duno how to use..2 weeks...
At home for nth..
Argh!!! lock up a ger full of program..
Die le la..ANd im so disappointed...
Because of this chicken pox i got defer...
I cant go for exam la..So irritating..
But i was hapi too..
Coz because of this chicken pox...
I got back a precious thing...
I found back wat i lost..
In life..
ppl may ask u want u actuali want wat u actuali need...
But to me..i dun ask wat i wan..wat i need...
i tell myself i do wan i do need..
This is me..
And when i do.tt is it!